Monday, March 12, 2012

What does this sentence mean?

I don't want to hide the golden nuggets of wisdom under piles of pluff that you can read for free on the internet.What does this sentence mean?
It has nothing to do with charging money, and "pluff" does not mean what the author thinks it means. says: Pluff\, v. t. [Prob. of imitative origin.] To throw out, as smoke, dust, etc., in puffs. [Scot.]

Apparently the author of that sentence blended the words "fluff" and "puffery".

It could mean "I don't want to hide valuable wisdom by putting it on the internet, because the internet is full of pluff, and the pluff will get in the way (making the wisdom unavailable) or the pluff will degrade the value of the wisdom."

Or it could mean "I don't want to hide valuable wisdom under piles of pluff because pluff is free on the internet; therefore, I should hide valuable wisdom under something else."

I think it means "I am a moron."

It is a poorly written sentence. You should hide it under some pluff, if you find any.
I'm assuming that 'pluff' is 'fluff' and with that, my guess is that there's an author who wants their work to beat the quality of those free amateur writings you can find on the internet. This author takes pride in him/herself and believes that they possess some writing skill above those of an amateur.

Or am I just going off the deep end, here and thinking too much?What does this sentence mean?
I would like to share what I know to be true, but would like remuneration for its acquisition.
I don't want to charge money for something you could get for free somewhere else.

Am I right?
Exactly what Bre said.

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