Friday, March 9, 2012

Just bought a chicken?

Just bought a chicken and when i was washing it i discoverd a small golden ring inside it with a golden nugget enclapsed within it.

Should i keep the ring or should i take it back to the shop someone might be missing it?

What do you think i am keepin the chicken either way though.Just bought a chicken?
Wow, that is bizarre. Well if the chicken came from a processing plant, then it just happened to be a freak accident - keep it. If the chicken came from the butcher at a local market, then they might actually be missing the ring.
Ring the store, ask if someone asked for a lost golden ring, if not keep it.

It's probably from one of the people who prepared the chicken for the store anyway.Just bought a chicken?
the proper and moral thing to do is to try to return the ring

But also hold on meat handlers usually wear gloves
The right thing to do would be to contact the store and return the ring. I'm sure someone is missing it.

If the situation were reversed, you would probably appreciate someone returning your ring to you, right?
You should take it all back. Someone obviously wasn't practising proper hygiene if you found a ring in it.
If you found a finger in your chicken,I'd worry more about that then a ring.

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