Monday, March 12, 2012

Can I put these fish together?

I want to put these fish together Rummy Nose tetra, Neon tetra, Penguin tetra, Hachetfish, Rosy barb, sailfin molly, swordtail, angelfish, blood parrot, Golden Nugget plec. Please give me advice?!!Can I put these fish together?
Tetras are peaceful, eat all foods, like moderately soft slighty acid (pH below 7) water, 78 degrees

Hatchetfish also like moderately soft slightly acid water. The Blackwinged Hatcherfish are small, delicate and peaceful. They can be kept in a community tank but do best with their own kind. The Silver Hatchetfish is more robust and will do better in a community tank than the Blackwinged.

Rosy barbs are peaceful but rather boisterous, should not be kept with very small fish (Neons can do fine with them). They like near neutral to slightly alkaline (pH above 7), moderately hard water

Sailfin mollies like brackish, (part fresh part salt) hard alkaline (pH above 7) and will not do well in solft acid water. In fact it will over a month or so kill them.

Swordtails are boisterous fish inclined to chase and bully other fish. They should only be kept with fish their own size. They like slightly alkaline, moderately hard water and will not do well in soft acid (low pH) water.

Anglefish are not critical of the pH and can do well in both soft or hard water as long as they are not changed quickly from one to the other. They are very peacful and can be kept in a community tank but remember they do grow to about 5 inches and small fish will loook like food. I have kept angels in a tank with guppies but after they were about a year old I had to give them there own tank because of their size.

I don't know much about Blood parrots but they do grow to be 8 to 10 inches and live for about 10 years so make sure your tank is big enough and they will see smaller fish as food.

Golden nugget pleco - grows to about 8 in. Plecos tend to be peaceful but their size can be a problem if your tank is small.

So as you can see keeping all these particular fish in one tank will be a chanllenge. I suggest you google each type to get more information than I've given here. Decide what fish you like the best and find tank mates that fit in with the conditions required by the fish you like best.
Yeah they pretty much all sound like they can go together, the angelfish might not be sucha good idea though, i had them and they tormented my other fish.Can I put these fish together?

Hope this helps
Yes, but your tank will need to be pretty big to accomadate all of those tetras, hatchets, and barbs in proper schools, and your cichlids together in the same tank and with all those different fish. What size tank is it???
Keep in mind that all of those Tetras need to be in groups of 5+ of their own species, same with the Hatchets... To do that, you would need a massive tank... Also, the Angels will eventually make a meal out of the Neons, maybe the Rosy Barbs, and possibly the Blood Parrot. We REALLY need to know how big your tank is, or we can't tell you much of anything... All the fish are compatible except the Angels and Parrots (they will both slowly eat the Tetra schools until you have only the biggest Tetras)... Email me with updates or questions.

Soop Nazi

EDIT: They are called Hillstream Loaches, not Hillstream Plecos.
I don't know what size of tank you have, but you need a huge one

Everything can go together besides the bloodparrots, they get to big for any of the other fish you want and are cichlids and have whole different other needs then the ohters

Hope that helps

good luck


Feel free to email me
yeah but you might want a big tank
It depends largely on the size of the tank. Still, I'd say no to the swordtail and parrot, maybe the barbs. Get small angelfish and they should stay okay with the tetras. You'll need a tight cover on the aquarium as hatchetfish are jumpers and considered a flying fish. Swordtails also require a tight cover. This means no openings. You may be able to keep the swordtails in there, but I wouldn't.

Realize too that the sailfin molly can get up 5-6".
Rummy nose tetras, rosy barbs, angelfish, and blood parrots might not be a great idea to the the swordtails neon %26amp; penguin tetra, and hatchetfish. Rummynoses, barbs, and mollies are known to be bad fin nippers, and Angelfish and blood parrots are cichlids (usually semi-aggressive or aggressive fish) and they will probably eat your smaller tetras. The pleco will be fine, but I'd mostly recommend a rubbermouth, zebra, tiger, butterfly, or hillstream pleco since they are smaller. Most plecos tend to get over a foot long, and crowd up the tank. If u have any more questions, please ask me. I've been through TONS of fish.
The tetras, pleco, molly and swordtail would do okay together in a tank and the hatchetfish would be fine in there with them because they tend to stay at the top of the tank, but you will run into a few problems with the blood parrot and angelfish. They are both cichlids and can be aggressive towards other fish, especially smaller ones (the neon tetras would be appetizers to the parrots). Also, angelfish are very picky about water quality and tankmates, so they would probably end up stressing and dying. If you really want angels, they should have their own setup.

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