Friday, March 9, 2012

Are humans the only ones with boogers?

I know other animals have snot (I DO have to dogs, and they've sneezed on me more than once), but I'm talking about the golden nuggets that seem to aflict humans. Do other animals have boogers?

This is purely an academic question.Are humans the only ones with boogers?
Manatees have boogers. I've been sneezed on once during a health assessment, and it was all snotty and goopy. I think she was sick.

I've seen cats with snotty noses (they are predisposed to upper respiratory problems, especially in shelters).

Never noticed dog boogers.

I'm sure there are other animals that get boogers. Boogers are just a collection of dirt and mucus that stick to the hairs on the inside of your nose. As long as there is hair in the nose, they have boogers.
Gorillas have boogers- they pick their noses to get rid of them just like kids.Are humans the only ones with boogers?
Yea my cats get these black boogers in the corners of their noses all too often I find my self picking cat snot off their faces
God bless you, dude! Get some rest, guy.

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